Becky Thompson (She/Her)
Attendee Liaison
Becky is on her second stint with Strategic HR. She started out with the company back in 1991 and worked with our fabulous former leader, Bud Bernstein, for 11 years when it was just the two of them. In 2012, after being away for 11 years, her predecessor was retiring, so she happily came back home to the company, now known as the Nimble Group. Prior to that, she worked for the Maine Attorney General’s Office for 8 years, serving two of those years as the Executive Assistant to the Attorney General.
Becky grew up in Maine, graduated from Thomas College, spent six years in Boston where she met her husband Rich, and is now settled in a condo in Portland. In her spare time, she enjoys visiting with her children and her two grandsons, taking long walks, reading, finding some great local music, or catching a good movie.